Type conversion made easy
In strongly typed languages, like Java, conversion between multiple types can be really painful. How many times did you forget how to convert Date
to Calendar
? How about conversion between collections? The operation is often performed in multiple lines of code and in no time you find yourself focusing on the type juggling instead of problem solving.
That’s why we came up with TypeConverter. It’s a utility class that makes type conversion very easy. It’s very fast and extendable.
To use TypeConverter
execute convert()
method with object and expected type as parameters.
Target convertedObject = TypeConverter.convert(objectThatWillBeConverted, Target.class)
so for example to convert String
to Double
Double result = TypeConverter.convert("12", Double.class);
or Date
to Calendar
Date now = new Date();
Calendar calendar = TypeConverter.convert(now, Calendar.class);
or even List<Integer>
to Integer[]
List<Integer> integersList = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
Integer[] integersArray = TypeConverter.convert(integersList, Integer[].class);
It’s always short and easy.
What conversions are supported
Multiple conversions are supported out of the box. Take a look at the following list:
All primitives are also supported so you don’t have to worry about boxing.
Your type is not on the list? You can easily “teach” TypeConverter
new conversion.
Custom converters
To create new converter just create a class that implements Converter
interface, i.e.:
class ObjectToStringConverter implements Converter<Object, String> {
public String convert(Object source) {
return source.toString();
And pass it to the TypeConverter
TypeConverter.registerConverter(Object.class, String.class, new ObjectToStringConverter());
To make it more readable you can use anonymous class:
TypeConverter.registerConverter(Object.class, String.class, new Converter<Object, String>() {
public String convert(Object source) {
return source.toString();
TypeConverter is also lambda friendly so if you are using java 8 in your project it gets as simple as:
// lambda
TypeConverter.registerConverter(Object.class, String.class, source -> source.toString());
// method reference
TypeConverter.registerConverter(Object.class, String.class, Object::toString);
It’s worth to note that our newly registered converter from Object.class to String.class will override any already registered converter that supports the same conversion.
As registering converters is very easy, unregistering them is even easier:
TypeConverter.unregisterConverter(Source.class, Target.class);
How do I get this?
We’re on Maven Central so just add this to your pom.xml
or use any other maven like tool. Or even if you are into old school and coding without any project manager just download the jar
Happy type-converting!