Templ4docx 2.0.0 - Image Variables
In the previous post, I’ve written about simple text variable. Now, I would like to spend some time on Image Variables. In the previous example, we created an invitation. Now I’m going to change a little our example, and we will create a business card. The standard card has information about name, last name and phone number. I would like to add image to my business card as well. So in my business card will be 4 variables: ${firstname}, ${lastname}, ${phone}, ${photo}.
The first three are simple text variables. The last one is variable of image type, so we need to create appropriate ImageVariable object. In my case, I want to insert photo 75px x 75px to business card template:
new ImageVariable("${photo}", "E:\\photo.jpeg", ImageType. JPEG, 75, 75)
If you want to insert image from the Internet, you can use sweetener
(pl.jsolve.sweetener) library:
File logo = Resources.asFile(new URL("https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrink_100_100/p/2/000/189/0b4/11ba0d4.jpg" ), File.createTempFile("tmpPhoto", ".tmp" ));
ImageVariable imageVariable = new ImageVariable("${photo}" , logo, ImageType.JPEG, 75, 75);
The rest of the code is identical to the example of the previous post. Below is the full code example:
Docx docx = new Docx("E:\\businessCard.docx" );
Variables var = new Variables();
var. addTextVariable(new TextVariable( "${firstname}", "Lukasz" ));
var.addTextVariable( new TextVariable("${lastname}" , "Stypka" ));
var.addTextVariable( new TextVariable("${phone}" , "123456789" ));
File logo = Resources.asFile(new URL("https://media.licdn.com/mpr/mpr/shrink_100_100/p/2/000/189/0b4/11ba0d4.jpg" ), File.createTempFile("tmpPhoto", ".tmp" ));
ImageVariable imageVariable = new ImageVariable("${photo}" , logo, ImageType.JPEG, 75, 75);
docx.save( "E:\\businessCard2.docx");